Translating MobileView

Hi, It’s been a while since the last time i post a tutorial here. Last night when i saw my e-mail, i found an old mail from Beni (Sao Paulo – Brazil). He asked about how to translate MobileView plugin, i hope if it is not too late to reply that question 🙂 . You…

Enable Responsive Zoom-in

Hi everyone! Several days ago, my friend Bella from Mexico asked me about a problem she have with ColorLabs themes. All of themes produced by them can working well with a device such as smartphone and tablet. But, by using all of them you can’t do a pinch in/zoom in at the responsive layout. This…

Lensa Footer Float on SmartPhone

Hi Again! Just several minutes ago, my friend Nicolas from USA send me an e-mail asking about the floating footer of Lensa theme when accessed using a smartphone (Android). Since i’m not using an Android but a Windows Phone, there is no error happened on my device. Everything is working fine. Then, i start to…

Responsive Design

These day, as you can see, every one have a gadgets on their hands for browsing, playing, photograph, etc. About this topic, several days ago i got a project to create a responsive design for WordPress theme, so why not share some ideas and trick to create a responsive design? Responsive design basically is the…